Friday 30 September 2016

The Importance Of Pet Dental Care

You might not think about it much, but your pet needs regular dental care just as much as you do. Routine exams, cleanings and other procedures prevent significant problems in both oral health as well as general wellness. Here are some good reasons to find a vet who also handles oral health care for your pet.

1. There’s a link between dental problems and other health issues. Animals with dental disease typically experience other problems, such as heart disease. Unchecked tooth and gum infections can also lead to serious infections in the kidneys, brain and other areas of the body.

2. Maintenance prevents later problems. Besides gum disease and tooth decay, lesser known issues can be detected by routine checkups and care. For example, did you know that dogs and cats also lose their baby teeth? Gum irritation and tartar buildup are frequent issues when a baby tooth does not fall out, so it’s important to keep an eye on dental health.

3. Your pet’s behavior doesn’t always indicate that there’s a problem. Dogs and cats are notoriously skilled at hiding pain. This is an evolutionary response that’s mean to keep them alive, but it also can delay getting needed care. That’s why it’s important to have your vet frequently check your faithful friend’s teeth.

Your faithful friend’s oral health is a vital part of their total wellness, so it’s important not to skip dental care. Visit this site to learn more about pet dental care in San Jose.

A Quick Guide To Senior Pet Wellness

As your pet gets older, its health care needs change. Thankfully, a good relationship with your vet means that you receive personalized recommendations to keep your cherished companion healthy in its golden years. It’s helpful to know about some common issues that can affect your health, as well as typically recommended treatment options.

At What Age Is My Pet Considered Geriatric?

For cats and small dogs, this happens at around seven years old. Larger dogs are typically considered elderly once they reach the age of six.

What Are Some Common Conditions in Older Companion Animals?

As your faithful friend ages, it faces a greater risk for heart disease, cancer, kidney conditions, diabetes, joint problems, vision issues and senility.

What Are Typical Wellness Measures for Senior Pets?

Working closely with your vet can drastically improve the quality of life for your senior animals. Semi-annual visits are recommended, as well as adjustments to its dietary regimen with weight control in mind. Parasite control and vaccination continue to be a must, and it’s important to keep your faithful friend active at levels appropriate for its age and musculoskeletal condition.

These are just some general ideas, but your vet can construct a more specific regimen for your animal friend. Visit this website to learn more about senior pet care in San Jose.

Just Like Family


Dedicated and compassionate veterinarians work to provide the best care for your pet. They understand that your faithful friend is not just a pet — they’re a member of your family.

3 Reasons Your Pet Needs An Annual Exam

Taking your pet to the vet for an annual exam is an important part of providing it with proper care. Just like you would never forget to feed your cat every day, you should make it a priority to remember to take your cat to the vet without fail at least once a year. Why? Consider the following reasons:

1. Catching Problems Early

Just like with humans, a regular annual exam can help you catch problems early. Parasites, cancer, heart disease, infection and other issues are often much easier to treat in their early stages.

2. Examining the Gums

Many animals, especially cats and dogs, develop severe dental problems over the course of their lives. This usually includes gum disease. An annual visit, complete with an exam and cleaning, can keep your pet’s teeth and gums in much better shape when done at regular intervals.

3. Monitoring the Heart

Heartworms are a big problem for many animals. Your vet should check the heart for murmurs as well as the presence of heartworms at least annually to makes sure your pet does not have these serious problems.

Although it is not a need for your pet, you also have the added benefit of saving money on vet bills when you catch problems before they get out of control. Visit this website to learn more about setting up a pet exam in San Jose.

How To Help Keep Heartworms Away From Dogs

Heartworms are an extremely dangerous parasite that can be fatal for many animals, including dogs. It is important as pet owners that you become aware of things you can do to keep heartworms away from your dogs and help them live long, healthy and happy lives.


There are medications available from your vet that will keep heartworms from growing in your pet. These medications can only be started when your pet has been proven to not have heartworms, because it will be fatal for any animal that is already infected. This is the most commonly used method of prevention in the US today.


Offering a solid, healthy diet to your pet is a great base on which you can start preventative treatment of heartworm disease. A healthy diet is proven to boost the immune system, so load up your pets with raw, species appropriate food and let their bodies work like they were designed.

Natural Preventatives

Certain herbs and essential oils can be used on your pet to discourage mosquitos, which are responsible for heartworm infections, from biting your pet in the first place. Things like mugwort, spearmint, clove and turmeric can all be used as a preventative in this manner. However, care should be taken when essential oils are used, as pets can have reactions to them if not used properly. Visit this website for more information on scheduling a heartworm test in San Jose.

Andis Launches Nationwide Search To Find On-Screen Personalities For New At-Home Dog Grooming Videos

Andis Company is launching a national search for a duo of pet grooming experts to serve as on-screen personalities who will inform and connect with pet owners in an upcoming more

Reasons to Find a Full Service Vet for Your Pet

You need a veterinarian for basic, routine care for your faithful friend. But have you thought about other things your pet may need? Selecting a full service vet means that you always have a professional you can count on to provide complete, compassionate care. Here are some common reasons to find one for your cherished companion.

1. Dental Care

Many pet owners may not think about their animal’s dental health. But thankfully, your vet is able to tend to your pet’s oral health as well as its overall wellness. Exams, as well as routine cleanings and recommendations for an oral care regimen, can be made by your animal doctor

2. Your Pet’s Needs Change With Age

As your loyal companion becomes older, it can suffer from common conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, vision changes, weight gain and others. It’s a good idea to form a relationship with a trusted vet now to get personalized care in its senior years.

3. Surgeries

A full service vet can not only provide the routine and preventative care your pet needs, but also perform surgeries if needed. Whether it’s joint problems, tooth extractions or other issues, having a vet who’s also a qualified surgeon means you get all your pet’s care under one roof.

From dental care to elder care to surgeries, a full service veterinarian is there to provide complete care for your pet. Visit this website to find a full service veterinarian in San Jose.

When To See The Vet If Your Pet Is Sick

Your pets are a huge part of your life. You care about them as members of your own family and when they are sick you want to help them feel better. You should bring your pet to the vet if they experience any of the following:

  • Your pet can’t keep food down
  • Your pet stops eating
  • Your pet is lethargic for more than a couple days

Pets and Their Food

A big indicator on how your pet is eating is how they are handling their food. If your pet is having trouble keeping food down or has stopped eating. It could mean your pet is in pain or is having some other type of illness or ailment.

Sluggishness and Lethargy

If your pet is usually a bouncing, running bundle of joy, you will notice when they suddenly are more tired than usual. If your pet spends more than a day or two acting under the weather, it’s time to bring them into the vet to see what’s wrong. It could mean a virus, an injury or something else entirely.

It’s important to catch illnesses in your pet early. The earlier your pet receives treatment, the better their prognosis and recovery time will be. For more info about cat vet care, visit this website of a veterinarian in San Jose.